Permaculture for Kids

Christy Grace will arrive in full costume as “Mother Nature” at festivals and community events to provide a fun interactive and educational presentation on Permaculture, tailored for all ages to enjoy, learn and connect with nature on a deeper level.

What is Permaculture? – Genuine care for people, for the earth, and taking only a fair share of resources. Permaculture is an interdisciplinary design system for creating efficient and resilient systems, with an ethical basis and can be applied universally. Children (and parents) will learn the basic concepts of organic gardening, food preservation, composting, rainwater collecting, raising micro-livestock, and develop a deep respect for the earth through sustainable practices and living in balance with nature.

Mother Nature shares many engaging props, demos and large laminated visual references with her entertaining presentation. Christy is a certified Permaculture Designer, and practices regeneration and sustainable living on her homestead in Northern Colorado. She maintains several vegetable & herb gardens, fruit trees, 12 chickens, and a large pond with over 45 legacy koi. Contact Christy to appear at your next family-friendly event!

Christy at Sustainable Living Fair in Fort Collins, Colorado

Christy completed a PDC (Permaculture Design Course) in 2007 in Arizona. She has over 20 years of music festival and special event production, as well as operated Starseed Kids Camp. She also offers Kids Nature Yoga, integrating permaculture eduction into a fun and mindful movement class.